14th December 2004 - Board Minutes

Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Board of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service held on Wednesday 14th December, 2004 at 1.30 p.m. Dargle Room, Conrad Hotel, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2.

Present:   Ms. Maura McGrath (Chairperson)
   Mr. Tony McNamara
   Ms. Valerie Mannix   
   Dr. Mary Cahill
   Mr. David Lowe
   Mr. David Keenan
   Dr. Mary Horgan
   Dr. Liz Keane
   Dr. Cees Van Der Poel

Apologies:  Mr. Sean Wyse
   Ms. Jane O’Brien

In Attendance:  Mr. Andrew Kelly (CE)
   Dr. William Murphy (NMD)
   Mr. Michael Healy (SEO)

Ms M. McGrath, Chairperson, thanked Board members for attending the special meeting of the Board to deal with the donor notification issue and other items deferred from the December 8th 2004 Board meeting.  Ms. McGrath informed Board members that the office of the Tánaiste had contacted her on December 13th, advising that the Tánaiste was available for a meeting on the 14th at 3.45pm.  The Chairperson said that she and the Chief Executive would be attending the meeting on this occasion. 

1. Donor Notification Report

2. Correspondence

3. Parliamentary Questions

The Chief Executive informed the Board of seven Dáil questions that had been submitted.  The Dept of Health & Children will be dealing with two of the questions. 

The Chairperson and Chief Executive left the meeting at this stage to attend the meeting with the Tánaiste.  Mr. David Lowe agreed to act as Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

4. Minutes of Finance Meeting 03.11.2004

The minutes were noted.  Ms. V. Mannix proposed that Mr. D. Lowe would replace her as Chair of the Finance Committee.  This was seconded by Mr. David Keenan and unanimously accepted by the Board.

5. Minutes of Audit Committee Meeting 01.09.2004

The minutes were noted.  Ms. V. Mannix informed the Board that Mr. John Conlon of DeLoitte & Touche had joined the Audit Committee as the external Internal Audit specialist.  It was proposed that Ms. J. O’Brien would replace Dr. M. Horgan on the Audit Committee. This proposal was adopted, subject to the agreement of Ms. J. O’Brien.

6. Minutes of MAC Meeting – 13.10.2004

Dr. M. Horgan briefed the Board on the MAC meeting 13.10.2004. 

Dr. M. Horgan proposed that Dr. Mary Cahill would act as Chair of the MAC.  This was seconded by Dr. L. Keane.  It was agreed that Dr. Cees Van Der Poel would act as Chair of the MAC until the MAC Meeting of March 2005 at which stage Dr. Cahill would take up the position.

7. Date of Next Meeting

The next scheduled meeting of the Board will take place on Wednesday January 12th 2005 at 2pm in the NBC.  Mr M. Healy reminded Board members of the importance of the Board workshop on Corporate Governance, which takes place from 9am to 12.30pm also on January 12th 2005.

  Signed:………………………….……..           Date:…………………….